Leadership Education  

We develop the leadership capability of each generation

Education tailored to the individual and the family is at the centre of all the work we do.

Our goal is to educate all family members so they can steward family resources effectively as part of a self-governing family entity. Families that flourish do so because they manage shared resources with attention and intention.

As a family comes together to discuss its resources, we use it as an opportunity to improve financial literacy. We develop communication and conflict management skills through direct, real time feedback. When advisors meet with the family, we guide the conversation to ensure everyone has a shared understanding and the space to ask the questions that aid their development. This approach breeds confidence over time and allows family members to coach and mentor one another in a positive way.

Each family member will have specific learning requirements depending on their role in the family, their ambitions, interests and existing capabilities. We identify the best learning path for each individual through a personalised educational gap analysis.

Development tools such as leadership assessment, coaching, on the job experience or more traditional education forums can be recommended for each person. We have helped family members select mentors, assess their career development path, build organisational and professional skills, and complete financial literacy programs.

Our role as a neutral confidant allows us to offer an objective lens on family projects, investment proposals and entrepreneurial endeavours, coaching family members as they nurture fresh ideas and ambitions. Through continuous leadership development, we help each generation continue to take on the right amount of risk and put those skills into practice in a real world environment, whether through intrapreneurship or entrepreneurship.

We see education as a tool to increase the intellectual capital that gives family members the confidence to unlock their potential.